Late Entries, Transfers & Cancellations

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Transfers to another distance

Transfers of distance will be subject to the availability of races.

  • Prior to midnight Monday 26th August 2024 you can go to your Active account and transfer to a different race at the Somerset Multisport Festival. There is no transfer fee, however, you must pay the difference in entry fee (at that time) if the event is more expensive. The is no refund if the event you are transferring into is of a lessor value.
  • After midnight Monday 26th August (and subject to availability) you can transfer to a different race at the Somerset Multisport Festival but this must be done in person at the Registration desk on the morning of the event. There is no transfer fee, but you must pay the difference in entry fee (at that time) if the event is more expensive. The is no refund if the event you are transferring is of a lessor value.

Transfers to another person

Transfers to another person must be within the same event. If the new participant wants to change distance also then they must do this in a separate step (see above).

Prior to midnight Monday 26th August you can go to your Active account and transfer to another person. See the steps below. There is no transfer fee.

After midnight Monday 26th August, you can still transfer to another person, however, you (or the person you are transferring to) must do this in person at Registration.

Steps to Transfer to Another Person (prior to midnight Monday 26th August)

  1. Log into your Active account and access My Events
  2. Select Somerset Multisport Festival and click transfer registration
  3. Enter the new participant’s email address in the email address field
  4. Enter the recipient’s email address again to confirm at Confirm email address
  5. Click Submit
  6. The new participant will receive an email inviting them to enter and pay the registration fee*
  7. Your registration will be cancelled, and you will then be refunded the entry fee.

* Please note the new participant enters and pays for their entry before your credit is processed and pays the current registration fee (not your original amount).

Cancellation Policy

Where eligible, the following refund fees are applicable for cancellations, depending on when the request is received.

  • Refund of 75% up to 4pm, 12 July 2024
  • Refund of 50% up to 4pm, 12 Aug 2024
  • Refund of 25% up to 4pm, 12 Sept 2024
  • No Refunds after 12 Sept 2024

To request a refund, please email

Register Now!

Don't wait any longer, register for the Somerset Multisport Festival today! The feeling of crossing that finish line and achieving your goal is like no other.

So take that first step and sign up now. We can't wait to see you there!

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